Solar panel recycling system

2024-02-27 14:48:01

With the rapid development of solar power generation technology, solar panels have been widely used around the world. However, as solar panels gradually end their lifespan, disposal of discarded solar panels becomes an important environmental issue. In order to achieve sustainable energy recycling, Suny Group has developed a series of solar panel recycling technologies and equipment to maximize the recovery and utilization of waste solar panel resources.

Solar panel recycling technology:

Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Panel Recycling Line

Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Panel Recycling Line

a. Mechanical decomposition: This technology uses mechanical equipment to decompose waste solar panels into individual components, such as glass, aluminum frames, silicon wafers, etc. These components can be further recycled or reprocessed.

b. Chemical recycling: Use chemical methods to separate and extract materials in solar panels. For example, solvents or chemical reactions are used to separate silicon wafers from materials such as glass so they can be reused.

Solar panel recycling equipment:

a. Sorting equipment: used to separate waste solar panels from other waste for subsequent processing.

b. Mechanical decomposition equipment: including cutting machines, crushers, etc., used to decompose solar panels into individual components.

c. Chemical recycling equipment: used to chemically treat solar panels to separate and extract the materials within them.

d. Separation equipment: used to separate different materials, such as separating silicon wafers from glass.

e. Microbial treatment equipment: used to use microorganisms to degrade organic materials in solar panels.

Through these recycling technologies and equipment, various materials in waste solar panels can be effectively recycled and reused. Materials such as recycled glass, aluminum frames, and silicon wafers can be used to make new solar panels or other products. This recycling method helps reduce resource consumption and environmental pollution and achieve the goal of sustainable energy development.

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