Printed Circuit Board Recycling Machine Manufacturer

2023-06-21 17:24:55

Rapid advances in technology have led to a proliferation of electronic devices, resulting in a significant increase in electronic waste (e-waste). Printed circuit boards (PCBs) are an important part of electronic equipment and contain valuable materials. The waste circuit board recycling equipment developed and manufactured by SUNY GROUP can effectively recycle and reuse them.

Circuit board recycling equipment manufacturing workshop

Circuit board recycling equipment manufacturing workshop

The Importance of Printed Circuit Board Recycling:

Printed circuit boards are complex assemblies that contain precious metals such as gold, silver and palladium, as well as hazardous substances such as lead and mercury. Proper recycling of PCBs can recover valuable materials while ensuring safe disposal of hazardous components. This reduces the environmental impact of e-waste and protects natural resources, while also reaping considerable economic benefits.

Printed circuit board recycling machines developed and manufactured by SUNY GROUP play a vital role in achieving efficient and environmentally friendly e-waste management. It designs, develops and manufactures specialized equipment tailored to the PCB recycling process. These machines use advanced technology to disassemble, separate and extract valuable material from PCBs, ensuring maximum recovery rates.

Technological innovation:

Circuit board recycling equipment manufacturing customer site

Circuit board recycling equipment manufacturing customer site

Manufacturers of printed circuit board recycling machines continue to innovate to improve recycling efficiency and expand material recovery capabilities. They employ cutting-edge techniques such as mechanical crushing, electrostatic separation and chemical leaching to extract valuable metals and recover non-metallic components. Advances in machine automation and artificial intelligence have further increased the precision and efficiency of the PCB recycling process.

1. Collection and sorting: At the beginning of the recycling process, printed circuit boards are collected and sorted. This includes sorting boards by type, size, material composition, etc. for subsequent processing and recycling.

2. Disassembly and separation: During the recycling process, printed circuit boards need to be disassembled and separated into different components. Often, this involves removing external accessories and electronics in order to better deal with the heart of the board.

3. Physical handling: Once the board is disassembled and separated, physical handling methods are usually used to separate the components of the board. This includes techniques such as mechanical stripping, crushing and sieving. For example, mechanical stripping can be used to remove electronic components, and to lift metal parts from non-metallic substrates.

4. Chemical treatment: Chemical treatment methods are used to further separate and extract valuable materials in circuit boards. For example, chemical dissolution can be used to extract precious metals from metal parts, while acid leaching can be used to remove harmful substances from substrates.

5. Material recovery and reuse: Once the components of the circuit board are separated and extracted, the recovered material can be further processed and refined for reuse. For example, extracted metals can be reused to make electronics, and non-metallic materials can be converted into other industrial materials.

SUNY GROUP is at the forefront of the e-waste management revolution in the manufacture of printed circuit board recycling machines. With rich experience and technical equipment, especially in the recycling of electronic waste, it has won unanimous praise and trust from customers! At the same time, friends in need are welcome to come to the factory to actually inspect and test the machine.

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